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本實驗室主要的研究導向為利用藥物或基因轉殖鼠建立病變的動物模式,待病理的外顯行為確定後,再進行活體和離體的腦部神經化學、訊號傳遞與基因表現等的定性與定量分析,最後以神經藥理作驗證或以細胞培養模式探究其作用機制。在這些疾病中,我們著重於數個神經傳導系統:包括多巴胺、興奮性 (glutamate) 和抑制性(GABA)氨基酸以及HPA axis,希望經由多層次的整體性研究,確定特定神經系統在特殊病理時期的行為和生化反應,以利對疾病的瞭解或開發新型藥物。

The focus of Neuropharmacology lab is to understand the cellular and molecular of several neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as drug addiction, depression, schizophrenia, pain and Parkinson’s disease. The efforts by lab participants during previous years had generated many interesting research findingsand now we are continuously working on the following research topics:

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